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Soạn Tiếng Anh 4 Global Success, Unit 2: Lesson 1

Thứ sáu - 21/06/2024 05:52
Soạn Tiếng Anh 4 Global Success, Unit 2: Lesson 1 - Trang 16, 17.
1. Look, listen and repeat. Nhìn, nghe và nhắc lại.

2. Listen, point and say. Nghe, chỉ và nói.
What time is it? - It's _____.

Đáp án
a - It's six o'clock.
b - It's six fifteen.
c - It's six thirty.
d - It's six forty - five.

3. Let's talk. Hãy nói nào.
What time is it?
Đáp án
It's 7 a.m.
It's 8.15 a.m.
It's 2. 30 p.m.
It's 4:45 p.m.

4. Listen and tick. Nghe và chọn.
Đáp án
1 - b;
2 - b;

Nội dung bài nghe
1. A: Let's play a game.
B: OK!
A: Look. What time is it?
B: It's nine fifteen.
A: Very good!
2. A: Now, what time is it?
B: It's four o'clock.
A: No, it isn't. It's four thirty.

5. Look, complete and read. Nhìn, hoàn thành và đọc.
Đáp án
1 - 10 p.m
2 - is it
3 - What time - thirty p.m
4 - What time - four forty - five

6. Let's play. Hãy chơi nào.

A. It is six o'clock./ It's six a.m.
B. It is eight o'clock. It's eight a.m.
C. It is twelve o'clock. It's twelve a.m.
D. It is one fifteen.
F. It is five fifteen.
G. It is seven thirty.
H. It is nine thirty.
I. It is eleven thirty.
J. It is two forty - five.
K. It is four forty - five.
L. It is eight forty - five.

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